The most important criteria for a leadership award

Richard Milanovich was one of the most respected chairs of the tribal. He was responsible for the progress of the varied tribes. None can be compared to his achievement during his chairmanship of the tribal council. He serves as a great inspiration to many and as a teacher as well as a friend. It is great that Harold Matzner receives the 2nd Annual Richard M. Milanovich Community Leadership Award which is one of the most prestigious awards.


Once there was a time when the generation arrived with the leader demonstrating character which was the symbol of their true greatness. They are noted for their remarkable service, humility, courage, and selflessness. Richard Milanovich who was the tribal chairman of the development of the varied tribes has the quality of great leadership.


He had the great courage to fight against all kinds of odds to get the rights of a varied section of society mainly the tribes. He understood the importance of leadership which was the legacy of him his ancestors. He was a person who worked selflessly and took risks for the betterment of the backward section of society. It was his fitting tribute that made him more visibly mainly by the tribes. In his honor the is given the award for community leadership which is received Harold Matzner receives 2nd Annual Richard M. Milanovich Community Leadership Award.

This kind of award is given to the people who does a remarkable contribution that has the power to change the life of many people. The meritorious star is usually considered for applicants who have greatly able to distinguish themselves with their altruistic deeds as well as theircontributions to the country, state, and nation.

The honoree is mainly well known by the public for impacting their lives in a positive way that has toaffect mankind and helps to lead the healthy and results in the well-being of the community.

Even the show business person who has made distinguished themselves as producers, actors, playwrights, musicians, cinematographers, and directors either on the radio, film, television, stage, or even people who have been important in the entertainment field. They also need to have received important honors and be recognized by their peers and need to do remarkable achievements at an international level.

Once after looking into the criteria for honoring this prestigious award the nomination process will be done based on achievements done by them.